why I might like summer a little

We all have our favorites, and that’s ok. My favorite TV show is Food Network’s “Chopped.” My favorite sound is that of quiet, if quiet can qualify as a sound. My favorite season is Fall, followed closely by Spring and then Winter. I can’t honestly say I’ve ever been a big fan of summer. I don’t particularly enjoy hot weather; 70 degrees is as warm as I’d like on any given day.  But some snapshots over the weekend may have changed how I feel about summer, at least just a little bit. Each season has its own emotional attachments, its flavors, its appropriate behaviors. I suppose in Southern California more than anywhere else, you could go to the beach in December and it might make just a little sense. But only a little. Every Christmas, I always tell myself I should just slowly buy and wrap gifts throughout the year and avoid the mad crunch in December. So practical, but it just wouldn’t feel right to wrap a Christmas gift in April. We are people shaped by seasons.

And so, from a non-summertime gal, here is my ode to the joys of summer.

Summer is a season for bubbles, lots of them!

Summer is a season for outdoor crafts.

Summer is a season for boys being boys.

Summer is a season for stealing moments and sharing secrets.

Summer is a season for eating cake shaped like fishies in an ocean because pumpkin pie is for Thanksgiving and classy cakes are for Christmas. But cakes shaped like fishies in an ocean, those are especially reserved for the summer, of course!

What is your favorite season, and why?