
Christ calls me His beloved and my heart is made free. I am a wife, a mommy to two littles, a pediatric intensive care nurse. Social introvert, lover of books and writing, coffee addict, quiet mischief-maker. Love good questions, love well-thought out answers. My heart, hands and mind are filled to the brim most days, and I don’t get to write nearly as often as I want, need or should. This photo, taken in Barcelona, makes me think of what writing does for my heart. Open up, shine light, discover what’s inside, perhaps another door to open. Thank you so much for visiting this little space of my heart.

29 thoughts on “About

  1. Thank you for your posts. I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to your blog after reading your article in Introverted Christians. Your beautiful blog is inspiring me to set up my own blog and post some of my photographs and writing! May God bless you abundantly.

    • Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your encouragement! It means a great deal to me – thank you. I hope your own blogging and photography is as rewarding to both yourself and your future readers as you hope it to be. Bless you, Laura!

    • Thank you so much, I appreciate it a great deal. I’m spending today with one of the most incredible patients and families that I know. It’s days like this that make it all so worth it.

  2. What a beautifully written post. Congrats on being fresh pressed. Your Photos are beautiful.As both writer, and chef I certainly appreciate your blog. Check me out on wordpress. tell me what you think!

  3. Hi there, what a lovely blog you have here – beautiful photos and wonderful way of writing. Your post about dim sum really made an impression on me, I’m of Chinese heritage but living in London. Dim sum is indeed the food of my peoples. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  4. hello!
    i like your headerpic and this one here a lot. and your job seems pretty tough…
    a friend showed me your blog as i’m looking for a new layout… so may i ask you if you have a css-upgrade to change the link colors as well as the content background?

    • Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words! I love photography and blogs are a wonderful way to share photos, aren’t they? I don’t have a css-upgrade; I just used the functions available through this theme (“Twenty-Eleven”) and the dashboard to set up my link colors and content background.

  5. I love your pictures. I’m interested in studding something to do with medicine ( or with health). Many of whom I’ve asked for advice mentioned the stress involving this type of job, but is nice to hear the sunny side of it.


    • Thanks so much for visiting my blog! Healthcare is without doubt stressful, but it is incredibly rewarding and it’s a very very special field to work in. Not so much because we as healthcare workers are special, but because our patients and their families are incredible. I learn so much from them – their spirit, their love, their resilience, their depth. It’s a privilege to spend my days with them. If it’s something you’re very interested in, I strongly encourage you to pursue it – don’t let the stress scare you away! It’s all so very worth it.

  6. Your photographs are exquisite and the accompanying narratives thoughtful and thought-provoking. Like you, I believe true beauty lies in life’s inconspicuous details. Thank you for your posts!

    • Thank you very much, Assia! Photography has completely changed the way I see the world, and writing helps me sort it all out. Bless you as you continue to seek and find the beauty that God has shown us of Himself in this world!

  7. Hi! In a lack of better words, I like how you think, I really do. I first came across your blog today and I’m impressed by not just the quality of photography but also, like how you mentioned, the accompanying of words. I believe in your optimistic outlook to capture and celebrate the joy of life during those moments that you manage to catch a glimpse of them.

    I’m new to WordPress and started by own blog just a few days ago, and I’m glad I’m already finding fellow bloggers who are like-minded and creative to “follow”. I’ll be reading your previous posts soon and looking forward to future ones 🙂

    • Thank you very much for visiting my blog, and thank you for your kind words! I have to give the glory to my Lord Jesus for His goodness, His life, His joy, and His blessings. I hope to capture and share that through this blog. Welcome to the WordPress blogging world. Looking forward to seeing your posts as well!

  8. I found your blog truly amazing. That is really true that photography helps us see the bright side of life which is often overshadowed by the mundane. I am not so regular into photography and writing, but I have always found solace in them.

  9. You have inspiring post and I love them. My older sister is a doctor in the same unit and she loves the job. I am interested in photography and i am starting a new photography blog with just pictures taken from an iPhone without being edited… I would love if you could become my first follower. Thanks…… i really need some support. My site is: thescarletphoto.wordpress.com. Thanks so much(:

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